Armchair World Cup 2022 Reporter 🫣- the Musings of Moko Bi

Armchair World Cup 2022 Reporter 🫣- the Musings of Moko Bi

So, once again the World Cup is here! And probably, as usual, there are so many emotions flaring around. Good, Bad and Ugly. BUT the one constant is, football will be played, goals will be scored and a winner will be crowned. I love seeing supporters clad with national colours, while dripping with pride and chanting what only they can truly interpret.

Oh by the way, It fascinates me, when I see a football player commit an obvious foul, and the referee whistles for the foul, then the offender turns around in shock - WHAT? ME? WHEN? HOW? - I love the theater in football. I guess the World Cup presents the biggest stage.

Yes, I am in my armchair, and no, I am not a reporter. BUT I will watch, shout, cheer, do ‘against’ - have highs and lows and ride the Supporter’s emotional roller-coaster all the way to conclusion. In the end, my team will probably not win the World Cup this year, but that’s what the next World Cup is for…!

Which reminds me, the 2010 World Cup was pure heart break for me - but that’s a whole other Muse!

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So beyond these essentials… how did LIFE get so complicated ? 🤔- the Musings of Moko Bi

So beyond these essentials… how did LIFE get so complicated ? 🤔- the Musings of Moko Bi

Food, Shelter, Security and being Social. What have I missed? Clearly, -Sapiens Sapiens need to eat, need protection from nature / and sometimes from other double-sapiens. There are probably arguments to be made for and against the need to being social.

So beyond these essentials… how did LIFE get so complicated ?
- Moko Bi

Life, as most people knew it, changed for many #Everywhere in 2020. Journey with Moko Bi - sorting through an emotional rubble of a world torn apart, seeking answers in the struggles for personal, mental and social sanity.
_ the intersection of playing house, solopreneurship and culture. We won't argue thought leadership, we will settle for random musings - #GH and #Everywhere. It’s #DisAndDat @theEVENTtown

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It takes time… and it’s been slow 🙃 - the Musings of Moko Bi

It takes time… and it’s been slow 🙃 - the Musings of Moko Bi

The human timescale is infinitesimal in comparison to continental and planetary timelines. They say Africa is moving towards Europe, at a rate - which is imperceptible to human senses - of 2cm a year. Simultaneously towards the east, Africa is also splitting up at the great Rift Valley.

Non of these geological activities will conclude for millions of years... with no witnesses from today’s human inhabitants of the planet. In the grand time and activity scales of this rock we call earth, millions of years is nothing but a blip.ANDIt sure does make me feel insignificant and never mind my irrational feeling of FOMO ( fear of missing out )

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Up and down…peaks and valleys 🙃 - the Musings of Moko Bi

Up and down…peaks and valleys 🙃 - the Musings of Moko Bi

I have done it! One thought at a time, one breath after the next, one foot in front of the other, and by my hands, I took out one, then another… and the dog house is no more. A huge physical and mental victory for me and a nice spot of space to setup a composting station.

So basically, feel the fear and do it anyway, while trusting the science - as much as possible.

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What makes lazy? 🤨 - the Musings of Moko Bi

What makes lazy? 🤨 - the Musings of Moko Bi

So how do I end up overcoming ‘laziness’? Well, I simply walk out of it. Well, first I have to decide if the task at hand is worth all the anguish that I feel - which is at best, a subjective decision making process - if the juice is not worth the squeeze - I simply stew in my ‘laziness’ and run out the clock with inaction.

On the flip, if it’s something that must be done, then I have to figure out how to grin and bear - I usually break up the task into very little bits, essentially making each task menial. This helps to block out the big picture which typically has the complexity and murkiness that triggers the anguish that I feel.

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Starts, stops, backtracks and a step forward: Why Entrepreneurship ? 🤨 - the Musings of Moko Bi

Starts, stops, backtracks and a step forward: Why Entrepreneurship ? 🤨 - the Musings of Moko Bi

Starts, stops, backtracks, a step forward, two steps back - then maybe, maybe… if you are fortunate, you can put it all together and build something functional that is self sustaining, and maybe even support livelihoods.

The journey of the Entrepreneur is full of false starts, heartache, disappointments, loneliness and many hurry ups and waits.

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D.I.Y-ing?… but why? 🤨 - the Musings of Moko Bi (a D.I.M-ing episode)

D.I.Y-ing?… but why? 🤨 - the Musings of Moko Bi (a D.I.M-ing episode)

Like a lot of others on this only known Rock with viable life, I have been affected and afflicted by this Covid-19 pandemic. BUT, did the pandemic turn me into a semi domesticated -Sapiens Sapiens, doing it myself - exploring a DIY lifestyle with grand illusions of minimalism?

Or was this a path I was already heading (pre-pandemic)? Is my journey towards a full embrace of a DIY attitude fueled by my nature... or by the nurturing resulting from interacting with others? 🤨

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You may call me Moko Bi - the Musings of Moko Bi

You may call me Moko Bi - the Musings of Moko Bi

Picture having a to-do list… and always anticipating fulfillment with the next tick of a checkbox, but you simply keep moving on to anticipating the next tick on the next checkbox, all the while still void of that elusive fulfillment you expect with each check of a box. It’s like you are chasing life, but life doesn’t stand still to be caught - Yes, very much like chasing the wind. 🤨

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December and my Ca-ladder - the Musings of Moko Bi

December and my Ca-ladder - the Musings of Moko Bi

Some would say I am pensive, others would say I am an introvert, and yet another would say I am a germaphobe AND… I would say… “Heeeey….what’s with the name calling? 🙂”
The point is… I don’t think it’s as simple as fitting a person in neatly defined boxes. I could be extroverted as I need to be, or function in ante-germaphobe situations if I had the need. Necessity after all, is the mother who invented many stuff. 🤓

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2020 : tragic with a silver lining? - the Musings of Mokobi.

2020 : tragic with a silver lining? - the Musings of Mokobi.

Our collective consciousness of Covid-19 probably awoke sometime in February. Like most people around the world we observed in UNCERTAINTY as SARS-CoV-2 started its journey around the globe. We listened, watched and read the exploits of this particular corona virus, as it scaled continents and made country stops.

Feelings of uncertainty came to a head, as the epicenter baton cycled with ravage through places that are generally considered to have strong health and economic infrastructure. Historic carnage was forecast for the African continent …

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a small business journey - the Musings of Moko Bi.

a small business journey - the Musings of Moko Bi.

Failures - arguably inevitable - some may see failure as a measure of... well, failure! I like to think of failure as one of two possible outcomes of doing... not good and not bad, but just an undesirable outcome of doing.

Failure is probably indicative of the iterative nature of entrepreneurship and also an output of entrepreneurial experimentation. Having 'good' ideas is one thing, but it's only through the doing that we actually test our thoughts for viability.

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